I offer treatment in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), schema therapy as well as mindfulness (MBSR / MBCT) at my office in Malmö. Video-based psychotherapy is also possible. Read more about the different types of treatment below.

I receive patients privately as well as through referral from your health care centre in Region Skåne.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment where you get help to change and relate to unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behavioural patterns. CBT has proved effective for a wide range of different forms of problems, such as depression, anxiety disorders and posttraumatic stress.

A therapy session will differ depending on which problems you are seeking help for. However, it will always begin with a careful assessment of your situation, and setting goals in accordance with what is important for you. Likewise, each session follows the same general structure. Between the sessions, you may get “homework” exercises, with the aim of increasing the effect of the treatment, e.g. by practicing new skills outside the therapy room.

The duration of the therapy depends on which problems you are seeking help for, as well as your own goals. Normally, sessions are scheduled once a week to begin with, and less frequently towards the end of the therapy.

Schema therapy

If you want to change a more profound or deeply rooted life-pattern, schema therapy may be an option. Schema therapy is a form of therapy developed from CBT, but which has also been influenced by attachment theory, psychodynamic therapy and gestalt therapy.

In this form of therapy, we focus on creating an understanding of the past experiences (e.g. childhood experiences) that have influenced your current problems. Like in CBT, we will set goals and work together to create change in your current situation.

Mindfulness (MBSR / MBCT)

Within therapy, I often integrate aspects of mindfulness.

Mindfulness may be described as the ability to be fully present in the moment. We practice being fully engaged with what we’re doing, with an observant, non-judgmental, and accepting approach. Teaching the mind to be fully present can be particularly helpful when dealing with difficult situations. Practicing mindfulness can allow oneself to take distance from (and become less controlled by) thought-patterns that contribute to, for example, self-criticism, anxiety and depression.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) combines aspects of CBT with exercises in mindfulness.